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  • Difference between architecture styles, architecture patterns, and architecture principles

Difference between architecture styles, architecture patterns, and architecture principles

Architecture Styles

  • Definition: An architectural style is a fundamental, organizing concept for a system. It provides a high-level framework that dictates the overall structure and organization of the system. In simpler terms, it is a broad, high-level strategy for organizing a software system and provides a set of principles and guidelines for structuring the system.

  • Focus: It focuses on the architecture approach and provides guidelines on when or not to use a particular style.

  • Examples: Layered architecture, microservices architecture, event-driven architecture.

Architecture Patterns

  • Definition: An architecture pattern outlines a high-level solution to a recurring problem within a specific context. It serves as a guide for addressing a particular issue within the confines of a specific architectural style.

  • Focus: It focuses on the problem and how to solve that problem using a specific arrangement of components and their interactions.

  • Examples: Model-View-Controller (MVC), Broker pattern, Microkernel pattern.

Architecture Principles

  • Definition: Architecture principles are fundamental guidelines and best practices that influence and shape the design and development of a system. They are high-level rules that guide decision-making throughout the architecture process..

  • Focus: They focus on ensuring the system is robust, maintainable, scalable, and secure.

  • Examples: Separation of concerns, single responsibility principle, encapsulation, scalability, reusability.


  • Architecture Styles: Provide the overarching structure and organization of a system.

  • Architecture Patterns: Offer specific solutions to common problems within the context of an architectural style.

  • Architecture Principles: Serve as foundational guidelines that ensure the system meets quality attributes and best practices.

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